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Scientific and technical journal established by OSTU. Media registration number: ПИ № ФС77-75780 dated May 23, 2019. ISSN: 2220-4245. Subscription index in the online catalog «Subscription Press» (www.akc.ru): E28002. Subscription to the electronic version is available on the «Rucont» platform.
The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index and in the List of Russian Scientific Journals .

Search results

  • V.2(42), 2020

    Improving the mathematical model of the wear of the elements of contact pairs of electric current collection devices at high-speed movement

    This article discusses the improvement of the electrical component of the wear model of the elements of contact pairs of current collector devices under conditions of high-speed movement. The histograms of the electrical wear of contact elements obtained by calculation using the existing and improved mathematical models are presented. Analysis of the obtained histograms allows us to conclude that the calculation accuracy is improved according to an improved mathematical model by taking into account the influence of the aerodynamic effects of the air flow and the speed of the rolling stock.
  • V.3(31), 2017

    The choice of the current type for ulan-bator railway electrification

    The experience of the railways electrification in Russia and the justification of the current type choice for the electrification of the Ulan-Bator Railway are considered. The calculation of the maximum mass of the wagons of freight trains of an AC electric locomotive of 2ES5K and an electric locomotive of direct current 2ES6 in the conditions of the Ulan Bator Railway is performed. The rationale for choosing the kind of current for the electrification of the Ulan Bator railway is presented.
  • V.2(42), 2020

    Determination of power and energy intensity energy storage systems for improvement performance indicators of traction power supply

    The article presents the results of research on the efficiency of the electric energy storage system in traction power supply on the example of one of the sections of JSC "Russian Railways". The results of measurements of electric values of electric rolling stock when moving along the railway section under study are considered. Based on simulation modeling, an assessment of the impact of power storage systems on the capacity of the railway section is obtained. Graphs of changes in the minimum travel interval and the minimum voltage on the current collector of an electric moving train depending on the power of the storage system, energy intensity, and threshold voltages for charge and discharge modes are constructed. An algorithm for the operation of the power storage system at a traction substation or linear device has been developed. Based on the simulation results, a graph of the degree of charge is constructed and a series characteristic is determined that allows maintaining the discharge depth at the level of no more than the specified one. Based on the results of calculations, the power, energy intensity and charging characteristics of the storage system are determined, which provide the required voltage level at the current receiver of an electric moving train within the boundaries of interstation zones.
  • V.2(50), 2022

    Analysis of the characteristics of the traction load on high-speed sections to determine the operating conditions of power storage devices

    An increase in the speeds of the electric rolling stock has an impact on the energy indicators of the operation of the traction power supply system. One of the technical solutions to the task of equalizing the traction load schedule to reduce voltage losses in the contact network is the use of electricity storage systems. The article presents the results of simulation modeling, which allow us to estimate the change in the energy indicators of an electric train with an increase in movement speeds for conditions of a single electric train following a section. According to the results of traction calculations, the influence of the voltage level on the electric train current collector on the technical speed is shown, the deviation of which for the typical voltage values in high-speed traffic is about 1%. For the selected section of rapid movement and technical speeds, the voltage level for traction calculations is justified. The dependences of the change in the average values of the load and the technical speed with an increase in the maximum speed up to 250 km/h are determined. Statistical estimates for the voltage on the pantograph of the Velaro RUS electric train are determined. The influence of the energy intensity of the onboard storage system with the corresponding charging characteristic on the reduction of maximum currents is shown. Dependences are obtained for the voltage drop on the electric train current collectors with an increase in movement speeds. The assessment of the maximum energy intensity of storage devices for the most severe operating conditions with a single electric train track on the site was carried out. These results allow us to determine the prospects for improving the method of calculating energy indicators and the use of accumulation systems in areas of rapid movement as on-board systems and compare their effectiveness with stationary systems based on simulation modeling, in which various control algorithms are implemented.
  • V.2(46), 2021

    Mathematical simulation of mechanical stresses arising at uneven heating of the traction electric motor nb-514 and improvement of its design

    The purpose of this work is to determine the causes of cracks in the frame of traction motors of electric locomotives. An analysis of the statistics of detecting cracks in the frame of NB-514 traction motors at the Eastern testing area is presented, showing that every third frame in operation has cracks. The method of mathematical modeling on a computer with the use of FEM was used. It is noted that carrying out measurements in the crack initiation zone by the tensometric method is practically impossible due to the geometry of the frame. The results of mathematical modeling of mechanical stresses arising in the frame of the NB-514 traction motor during its uneven heating to temperatures characteristic of the hourly mode of operation of the traction motor are considered. It is shown that mechanical stresses arising only due to the temperature difference between the ambient air and the windings of the main and additional poles of the traction motor can reach 100 MPa. Variants of changing the design of the ventilation windows of the frame are proposed to reduce the magnitude of temperature stresses with a constant area of the ventilation openings. When correcting the shape of the ventilation windows of the traction motor frame, these voltages can be reduced to 76 MPa. It was concluded that one of the main reasons for the formation of cracks in the frame of traction motors are cyclically repeating temperature stresses, which is especially important for electric locomotives operating on mountain pass sections in the pushing mode. It is noted that the appearance of mechanical stresses in the backbone of the traction motor also depends on vibrations arising from the path and operation of the gear train, as well as on the variable part of the magnetic field of the motor, which are not currently studied in detail.
  • V.3(51), 2022

    Improvement of methods and algorithms for calculating energy indicators of traction power supply system with adjustable devices

    The calculation of the performance indicators of the traction power supply system in steady-state modes is focused on solving a wide range of tasks related to the choice of parameters of the power equipment of traction substations, the placement of linear equipment, the cross section of the contact suspension, the comparison of options for technical and economic indicators. Currently, the appearance of various regulated devices in the traction power supply system necessitates the improvement of calculation methods and algorithms used in various software complexes. In this paper, the issues of constructing substitution schemes for modeling the operation of the traction power supply system in steady-state modes, taking into account the devices for automatic switching on and off of the backup converter unit of the traction substation and the accumulation of electricity. The corresponding substitution schemes and fragments of calculation algorithms that take into account the characteristics and operating modes of these devices are presented. The use of the proposed substitution schemes allows us to take into account in the calculations the difference in the external characteristics of the converter units, to assess the compliance of the automation settings with the level of electric traction load and the effect of the device on the voltage level on the substation tires and in the contact network, the load capacity of traction substations, and for the accumulation device, taking into account the charging and discharge characteristics, to additionally assess the impact on the effectiveness of regenerative braking. The proposed algorithms of the devices are designed to improve the methods of calculating the indicators of the traction power supply system. The paper proposes an improved method for calculating the indicators of the traction power supply system, based on simultaneous traction and electrical calculations, based on the database of calculations performed for various conditions of electric rolling stock on the railway section.
  • V.4(52), 2022

    Simulation modeling of the operation of electricity storage devices in post-accident and forced operating modes of the traction power supply system

    One of the properties of the reliability of the power supply of electric rolling stock of railways is the trouble-free operation of the traction power supply system in various modes of its operation. For post-emergency and forced modes of operation of the traction power supply system, a decrease in load capacity is characteristic. In order to ensure the throughput and carrying capacity of the railway section by traction power supply devices, it is proposed to consider the use of electric power storage devices on electric rolling stock and in the traction power supply system. Studies conducted by domestic and foreign researchers allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative solutions to improve the reliability of power supply, which include various options for the use of electric power storage devices on electric rolling stock and in the traction power supply system. This article presents the results of a review of these solutions, a simulation model of a traction power supply system and an electric rolling stock with power storage devices based on various batteries and a supercapacitor is proposed. Modeling of changes in the modes of operation of the traction power supply system is carried out taking into account the state control of switching devices. The calculation results allow us to estimate the voltage drop at the output of electric power storage devices, including taking into account the exponential zone of the discharge characteristics of batteries, to estimate the voltage change for a given electric traction load depending on the energy intensity of the storage device, made on the basis of the most common types of batteries and a supercapacitor.
  • V.1(33), 2018

    Application of regression models for estimatingthe energy efficiency of auxiliary equipment of electric locomotives of the 2es6 series

    The article assesses the influencing factors for electric power consumption for the needs of the electric locomotives of the 2ES6 series, statistical models for normalizing the electric power consumption for own power have been generated, and their quality has been assessed.
  • V.3(43), 2020

    Application of intelligent systems and technologies for monitoring and planning of the trains traction energy efficiency

    This article touches upon the energy efficiency of train traction at Russian Railways. The relevance of scientific research in this issue has been substantiated. Requirements for organizational and technical measures implemented to improve the energy efficiency of train traction are given. The groups of factors that actually affect energy efficiency indicators have been identified. The creation of an intelligent system for monitoring and planning energy efficiency of train traction is proposed. The goals and objectives of creating such a system are formulated. The main features and classes of intelligent systems in the context of their application for solving the problems indicated in the article are described. The functional diagram of the proposed system and its description are given.
  • V.4(40), 2019

    Method for the heat state calculating of pantograph head of a mainline electric rolling stock taking account the contact wire zigzag

    The article presents a method of calculation of the thermal state of the pantograph head. The density of the suspension zigzag distribution, taking into account a number of assumptions, has replaced the contact wire position function in the plan. Results of calculating the temperature of the pantograph head at different width of the zigzag of the typical suspension, including zero, are presented. The influence of sinusoidal and tangential contact suspensions on the temperature distribution of the pantograph head is estimated.
  • V.3(39), 2019

    To the question about wearing of contact couples elements of electric transport current devices for high speed movement

    In accordance with the long-term development program of JSC Russian Railways until 2025, it is planned to increase the level of economic connectivity of the territory of Russia by expanding the network of high-speed and high-speed transportation. This involves not only the construction of new high-speed highways, but also the modernization of the structures of individual components of rolling stock, as well as the introduction of energy and resource-saving technologies. The use of contact elements with an extended service life is one of the most economical and least costly ways to ensure reliable, economical and environmentally friendly transmission of electricity to rolling stock. An increase in the service life of the current collector element can be achieved, among other things, by reducing wear by the correct selection of contact pair elements, both from the point of view of their tribocompatibility and the ability to ensure high quality current collection. A methodology for conducting experimental studies of contact pairs of current collection devices has been developed and successfully tested at OSTU, which involves bench tests for each pair of contact materials “contact insert - contact wire” in order to determine their optimal combination to reduce wear and increase resource. Estimation of the amount of wear and prediction of the life of the elements of the contact pair is carried out including using mathematical models. However, the use of existing models for predicting wear under conditions of high-speed movement is not accurate enough due to the lack of consideration of the aerodynamic effects and the speed of the rolling stock on current collection processes. This article discusses the improvement of the mechanical component of the wear model of the elements of contact pairs of current collection devices in high-speed conditions. The graphs of the mechanical wear of the contact elements are obtained experimentally and as a result of calculation by a mathematical model. The analysis of the graphs allows us to conclude that it is possible to use an improved mathematical model for modeling the mechanical component of the wear process of the elements of contact pairs with a maximum error value of not more than 5 %.
  • V.3(19), 2014

    Improvement in the calculation methods for the traction power system

    In general, improvement of methods for electrical calculations aimed at increasing the accuracy of the results. One of the ways to improve the methods of calculation is the account in the calculation of the various factors that affect the accuracy of calculation of the traction power system parameters. This article describes an approach aimed at improving the method of calculation in the electrical part to improve the accuracy by changing the algorithm for calculating and accounting for a number of additional factors.
  • V.2(50), 2022

    Improvement the efficiency of using the electric cargo locomotives automatic control system on data of current measurements of onboard systems and instant traction calculations

    The article proposes an approach to improve the efficiency of using the automatic train guidance system based on instantaneous traction calculations using the actual movement parameters according to current measurements of on-board systems of electric locomotives. A critical analysis of scientific research on the improvement of auto-guidance systems for freight mainline electric locomotives based on modern technologies and machine learning algorithms, neural networks has been carried out. As a rule, all existing approaches to determining the optimal train driving modes are based on the application of traction calculation rules with the empirical setting of movement resistances and other factors without taking into account the real influence of the external environment. The results of comparison of traction calculations in the section of the West Siberian test site according to the current rules and in the KORTES program with the actual data of the on-board measurement systems of the 2ES6 series electric locomotive are presented. Based on the data deciphered from the recorders of motion parameters of electric locomotives of the 2ES6 series, the laws of control of the excitation current at rheostatic and running positions in the traction mode are investigated. The possibility of using the measured data of the on-board systems of electric locomotives to determine the parameters of the train, including the torque of the traction motors, the traction force of the electric locomotive sections, the actual total resistance to movement, inertial properties, etc., is substantiated. The calculation of these parameters for the traction mode is performed. The concept of equivalent mass is introduced and expressions are presented for determining the parameters of a train based on the equation of motion in the form of small increments of measured and calculated data. The obtained results of determining the parameters of the train based on instantaneous traction calculations and data of current measurements of the on-board systems of electric locomotives showed statistical stability and can be used in real time for automatic train guidance systems, providing an increase in the accuracy of determining control actions, taking into account the actual influence of the external environment and increasing the efficiency of using the automatic guidance system for freight trains. locomotives in general.
  • V.1(41), 2020

    Improved mathematical model thermal state of the pantograph head of the magistral electric rolling stock of direct current

    The article presents an improved mathematical model of the thermal state of the pantograph head for calculating the temperature distribution when interacting with different catenary with a double contact wire. The model takes into account the unevenness of the pantograph contact pressure on the wires along the suspension span and between them, allows using the databases of the car-laboratory for testing the contact network, calculating the thermal conditions of the skid on various sections of electrified Railways, including transients between them. The paper presents graphs of the zigzag distribution density of the contact wire of the Moscow - Saint Petersburg high-speed line, and defines the transient and steady state thermal states of the pantograph head when the pantograph interacts with them.
  • V.1(29), 2017

    Approbation of the method of reducing the specific expenditure and non-productive loss of electricity in the boundaries of railway account zones

    The article considers the current situation regarding the organization of control over the use of traction and energy resources of JSC «Russian Railways». The main provisions of the proposed method are stated. The influence factors on the specific electric power consumption of electric locomotives of series 2ES6 and VL10, as well as the evaluation of the quality of the constructed models of multiple nonlinear regression were estimated. New scientifically grounded technological solutions and developments are proposed that allow to reduce the specific consumption and unproductive losses of electric energy within the boundaries of the railway accounting areas.
  • V.3(43), 2020

    Monitoring of performance indicators of electric rolling stock and power supply devices using big data processing technologies

    The article presents the main results of experimental studies within the boundaries of the Fadino - Novoseletsk, Novoseletsk - Strela interstitial zones of the Entrance - Irtysh section. As a result of the research identified problems that currently hinder the online monitoring of operational parameters of the electric rolling stock (EPS) and power supply devices: a lack of data on the work of the traction substations, the presence of EPS without registration motion parameters (RAPS), the lack of process data collection with RAP, the lack of a single source and process for obtaining data, insufficient memory storage device of cartridge, lack of data latch on the locomotive in General, lack a set of fixed parameters, non-constant sampling of parameter fixing, insufficiently detailed final documentation, imperfect software for exporting data from cartridges and lack of binding to global time. Shown the possibility of joining data from different automated systems of JSC "RZD" and measuring systems OSTU, which will allow us to estimate the losses in the traction network, the expense on own needs of electric rolling stock , the electric power consumption for traction and return of electric energy to contact network, as well as move forward with implementation of predictive control operation modes of the electric rolling stock and power infrastructure and Railways in a changing environment in the transportation process, to ensure the best conditions for the realization of tractive effort, regenerative braking, set train schedules, including in case of critical restrictions on the part of the power supply system, preventing train traffic from stopping.
  • V.2(30), 2017

    The new approaches to the problem of the electric power imbalance in train traction research

    In article the issues of electric power imbalance in train traction research are considered, including the method providing an estimation of the contribution of imbalance components to its total value with the possibility of their separation between the participants of the transportation process: the electrification and power supply service, the automatics and telemechanics service, the directorates of locomotive traction and motorized rolling stock. Described method allows in more detail to analyze the factors that affected the change in the components of imbalance and further develop organizational and technical measures to reduce it.
  • V.4(48), 2021

    Determination of electric rolling stock operational indicators optimal values according to the criterion of energy efficiency

    The article deals with the issue of improving the energy efficiency of DC and AC electric locomotives operated at the enterprises of JSC “Russian Railways». The main goals and objectives of the development program and energy strategy of JSC «Russian Railways» are analyzed and briefly considered. In accordance with these tasks, the relevance of scientific research in the field of improving the energy efficiency of electric locomotives is substantiated. The current data on traction rolling stock, on modern traction resource management systems and on Russian and foreign scientific research in the field of energy efficiency are analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it was found that most of the studies are aimed at studying the influence of key operational factors on energy efficiency indicators, so, in this case, on the specific power consumption for train traction. However, the reverse question has been poorly studied - the selection of the train mass and the technical speed on the basis of a preliminary assessment of the specific power consumption for train traction by analyzing the statistical data of trips on a certain section of the railway. The purpose of this study is to assess the possibility and develop a method for determining the optimal values of the key parameters of the operation of electric freight locomotives in order to achieve maximum operational efficiency in relation to them according to the criterion of energy efficiency. Two models were created in the program «Complex of calculations of traction power supply» (CORTES) - for DC and AC electric locomotives, describing the dependence of the energy efficiency indicator (specific power consumption for train traction) on operational indicators, such as the train mass and the technical speed. The initial data for further modeling were obtained by modeling trips on a conditional site.
  • V.4(32), 2017

    The technology of electricity accounting on the rolling stock with the use of information-measuring complexes and technical requirements for such complexes

    The article analyzes the current state of electricity measuring on the electric rolling stock. The main shortcomings of the existing electric power measuring systems for train traction are shown. The technical requirements for information-measuring systems of electricity accounting on electric rolling stock are presented. The technology of electricity accounting on the rolling stock with the use of information-measuring complexes and the procedure for processing the measurement results are described. The minimum required list of fixing parameters during the trip is determined. The procedure for calculating the electric power consumption of electric rolling stock within the boundaries of an arbitrary electricity metering zone is given. The prospects of application of the proposed developments on the railway network are considered to provide monitoring of the transportation process energy efficiency.
  • V.2(50), 2022

    Study of the traction current distribution along the panhead of the rolling stock pantograph in the motion mode

    Resistive heating of the pantograph head due to the flow of traction current through the conductive elements of the upper node, has an uneven distribution along the frame structure and depends on the location of the contact wire on the insert. The aim of the work is to develop a mathematical model for calculating power losses in the pantograph panhead, allowing to estimate its value, taking into account the zigzag of the contact wire during the movement of electric rolling stock. The subject of the study is the pantograph panhead. The paper gives an example of calculating the frame skid of a pantograph equipped with carbon strips. Experimental studies of the current distribution over the shunts of the panhead depending on the position of the contact wire were carried out in February 2021 in the laboratory "Designs of contact networks, power lines and current collection devices" using a complex for testing current collection devices. The calculation of the heating power of the panhead is determined by the Joule-Lenz law. The results of the calculation showed that the maximum heating power is observed when the contact wire is in the middle of the panhead, while the places of the greatest losses located along its edges are above the places where the shunts are attached. The model makes it possible to obtain a functional dependence of the heating value along the panhead. The obtained results of the skid heating power distribution make it possible to supplement the complex model of the thermal state of the pantograph developed at the Omsk State Transport University with the participation of the authors of the article. The versatility of the developed model makes it possible to investigate various zigzags of the contact wire and evaluate the effect on the distribution of traction current along the panhead, depending on the location of the shunts and their number.